Control the Outcome of Your Family or Spousal Dispute in Montgomery County, Prince George's County, Howard County and Frederick County, MD
Turn to The Law Offices of Robert L. Baum for Divorce and Other Family Dispute Mediation Throughout Montgomery County, Prince George's County, Howard County and Frederick County, MD
Mediation is a form of a guided dialogue between the parties, with the mediator keeping the discussion civil and focused. Most importantly, the mediator is not the decision-maker, the parties are.
Mediation services have several advantages over litigation or other forms of ADR:
- Mediation is the least expensive form of formal dispute resolution;
- Mediation is usually the quickest way to resolve your dispute;
- You determine the outcome, not the mediation lawyer or other third party;
- The agreement is not effective until you sign the agreement or it is put “on the record” such as a tape recording
- You can terminate the mediation at any time;
- The mediation process focuses on the future and a resolution that suits both parties;
- You can use mediation services while retaining your dignity and self-respect; you have crafted your own solution, rather than being dragged through the mud and having someone else (a judge) tell you what to do;
- Studies show that the other side is more likely to comply with an agreement he or she has helped create through mediation, thereby reducing the stress and expense of post-judgment conflict;
- You can write an agreement with much more creative solutions than a court can or will. To paraphrase one judge, 'Why would you trust a stranger (the judge) to make your most important decisions for you?'